Handover of keys in time for the start of studies


Just in time for the start of the new course of studies "Building Products and Processes" of the TH Deggendorf at the location ECRI in Pfarrkirchen, the newly expanded laboratory areas have been completed. GiB was able to provide approx. 500 m² for the laboratory practicals of the new students.

The picture shows the head of the study program Mr. Prof. Dr. Markus Hainthaler (ECRI) and Mr. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Klaus Lang (Managing Director of GiB) at the handing over of the keys for the rental space in the GiB-FEZ in Arnstorf on 24.10.2022.

We wish the students and of course the professors a good and successful start into the first semester.


You can read about why in the previous article:
